The following list is modeled, in part, after The Front-End Checklist by David Dias.
The references are to MDN web doc by moz://a sources.
- All folders and files follow the course naming rules which include lowercase only, no spaces, and are friendly/semantic.
- No relevant violations of design principles of alignment, proximity, contrast, repetition, and usable typography.
- The visual appearance of all pages in the site must be responsive, uniform, and consistent at three, basic view levels.
- The page/site does not contain spelling and grammatical errors.
The following are correctly declared and used in the head section of all HTML pages.
- All embedded or inline CSS is avoided
- W3C compliant - validated to identify possible issues - W3C validator
- CSS normalize is used and up to date
- Unique ID selectors - if an ID selector is used, it is unique to a page (the planned use of class selector is preferred)
- All pages are tested for responsive web design and with at least two browsers with appropriately sized text, links, and no scrolling to the right nor deadspace.
- No reasonable violations of design principles in the styling and layout in all three views.
- No errors nor references to unused JavaScript functions per page
- No output to the console in the live version of the page
- Optimized to fit the design needs of the site (image is no larger than needed at its maximum size on the page)
- Aspect ratios match the saved image ratio
- The alt attribute is assigned a relevant value